Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Change Default Windows Installation Path

Windows users often use to install new software's for in their PC, Laptops or Notebook computers. By default all the software's will ask you to install in C:\Program Files. but you don't like to install in windows drive and like to install in another drive.

Default installation drive settings can be changed in Windows registry. Let's see the steps how to change the default installation path.

Note : You must have administrator privileges to change registry settings


1.  Go to Start—> Run

2.  Type regedit and press ok

3.  You will be getting registry editor

4.  Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion in registry editor.

Change Default Windows Installation Path

5. Find out ProgramFilesDir in right side as notified in the above picture, double click and change the value data to your favorite drive or path.

6.  After changing settings, default installation path will be changed.

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